We need volunteers to help schedule and administer community gatherings to raise awareness about “vaccinecide” to save lives and secure families’ well-being. Do you have a favorite community organization, religious group, school or workplace education program? We need you to contact the educational program directors of these organizations to schedule an event featuring Dr. Leonard Horowitz and other select speakers who can represent, ideally, both sides of every controversial issue with integrity and knowledge.
We also need volunteers to help spread this life-saving information. Share this website and the articles published herein. Don’t worry about copyrights. Reprinting this intelligence is covered under “Fair Usage Doctrine” that permits republishing even copyrighted works and images for non-profit opinions, editorials, news worthy information, and life-saving intelligence. In fact, it is your duty to help save lives once you become aware of the real risks of vaccination genocide.

Volunteer to screen the award-winning film, UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro.
Cinema chains are owned and controlled by the same censoring media companies controlling information internationally. That’s why you can be a big help to your community, friends and family, by screening the award-winning film UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro produced by award-winning author, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.
Together We Can Save Children and Civilization
We can’t do this alone. We need your help. Contribute whatever you can to help save our children, future generations, and civilizations from vaccination genocide.
Every smart person knows that GMOs are not good for anyone. Altering DNA is not natural. It is degenerative, produces cancers, and even threatens our species with extinction. This vaccine industry is outrageously risky, especially if a genetically engineered biological weapon emerges from this drug commerce. Increasingly, people know not to eat GMOs. You can help teach them not to inject GMOs directly into their bloodstreams. That’s what vaccines do–they inject cancer triggers, GMOs, directly into your bloodstream altering natural immunity forever. Don’t believe what mainstream medicine and the media claims. It’s a miracle humanity has survived this long given widespread cancers from vaccinations. Help awaken people to the truth that can set everyone free, and protect our children’s health and safety for happier generations to come. Contact us to volunteer now! Help in whatever way you can.