Washington Post Censors “Ebolagate” to Sustain Profits: “Deep State” Assigns Rookie Propagandist to Serve National Security Damage Control
Sherri Kane
(Honolulu, HI, Sept. 29, 2014) Responding to the “Ebola Emergency” in Africa, and publicizing the lack of any vaccine, the Washington Post has targeted for censorship BigPharma’s sharpest critic, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz–among the world’s leading Ebola experts. and vaccination opponents.
The Washington Post assigned a pro-war “psychopath,” rookie journalist Terrence McCoy, to troll for the National Security Agency in the growing Ebolagate scandal, according to evidence of the company’s actions witnessed worldwide on the Internet.
The Washington Post–best known for heralding Watergate–has published a propaganda campaign dirtier and more transparent than any in recent history, opposed and exposed by Dr. Horowitz––a Harvard-trained public health expert and U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada certified foreign ambassador. The doctor is so controversial and well-credentialed that The Post concealed his name, while writing to discredit him and the most politically-explosive book in U.S. history–Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional?
Explosive Book Includes the Ebola Contracts
The book reprints shocking federal records and contracts under which numerous AIDS-like and Ebola-like viruses were bioengineered by the Army’s sixth leading biological weapons contractor, Litton Bionetics.
This treasonous cover-up began during the largely-funded, mostly secret, Special Virus Cancer Program that ran from 1962 thru 1978, under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) umbrella. Litton administered all the funds and federal contracts under the CIA’s watch at Fort Detrick, in Frederick, MD, and supplied researchers worldwide with the African test animals and genetically-engineered viruses never before seen on earth, designed to cause precisely what we are witnessing with AIDS and Ebola.
McCoy, whose bio precisely fits the m.o. of a C.I.A. propagandist, including “voluntary” “Peace Corps” service coupled with “training” at New York’s Columbia University, infamous for rearing “The Company’s” best assets, such as Carlyle Group Chairman, Louis V. Gerstner This chief “war racketeer” recently replaced Frank Carlucci, III, whose CIA record, pursuant to HIV/AIDS and Ebola “outbreaks” in Africa, is shocking and neglected by The Washington Post. Carlucci directed the Agency’s African operations from his posts in Portugal and the Congo, including “Peace Corp” infiltrations for intelligence gathering and covert ops, according to detailed accounts in Horowitz’s book.
McCoy played up to his role by neglecting to name Horowitz in his review (9-26-14) of the now infamous Liberian Observer publication written by Delaware State University professor, Dr. Cyril Broderick. “[The] professor in U.S. is telling Liberians that the Defense Department ‘manufactured’ Ebola,” McCoy titled his attack against Broderick, who mainly drew his scientific intelligence from Horowitz.
McCoy wrote, “President Obama announced an ambitious — and expensive — plan that effectively placed the U.S. military at the forefront of the global fight against the worst Ebola outbreak in history. In an effort that could cost as much as $750 million in the next six months, he assigned up to 3,000 military personnel to West Africa to ‘combat and contain’ what officials call ‘an extraordinarily serious epidemic.’
“As those military doctors and officials begin what will be a difficult task,” McCoy conned people to engage his snare, “among the challenges they face are rumors that spread fear — fear of Ebola, fear of quarantine measures and fear of doctors. Already, several medical workers have been murdered in Guinea — throats slit, bodies dumped in a latrine. Then six Red Cross volunteers were attacked earlier this week while they tried to collect the body of an Ebola victim.
“And now, in what may plant further seeds of mistrust and suspicion, a major Liberian newspaper, the Daily Observer, has published an article by a Liberian-born faculty member of a U.S. university implying the epidemic is the result of bioterrorism experiments conducted by the United States Department of Defense, among others.” (The emphasis was added.)
Censoring and Defaming International Heroes
What, prey tell, is a “bioterrorism experiment,” cited in McCoy’s paragraph above?
Clearly not a biological weapons experiment, unless the weapons are intoxicating drugs and vaccines used to combat the terror.
The former option–the “bioterrorism experiment”– inflicts fear alone. The latter choice intoxicates people, or infects them with biological weapons to cause death, spread fear, make money, and kill off targeted populations. That much is common sense and common knowledge.
You would think McCoy–a Columbia University foreign affairs journalist writing for National Security–would not make this mistake at the esteemed Post. You would think McCoy would be more careful about his abuse of language.
But McCoy condemned Dr. Broderick, who wrote about Dr. Horowitz’s quintessential contribution to this suppressed field of political debate, now called “Ebolagate”– Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional? And strongly evidencing “bad faith” and “unclean hands,” McCoy evaded Horowitz’s name like the plague when he wrote that Broderick, “discussed a 1996 book called “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional?,” written by a man who called himself a “humanitarian, clinician, prophet, scholar and natural healer.”
Here’s evidence The Washington Post (i.e., the NSA and CIA) maliciously mocks humanitarians. It opposes prophets and scholars, too, apparently; and doesn’t take kindly to clinicians. This fact evidencing psychopathology and BigPharma conspiracy is corroborated by the miserable manner doctors, nurses, and hospital workers have been grossly abused by multinational corporations partnered with powerful drug firms whose lobbyists push legislation for “healthcare reforms”, and buy up pages of The Post to advertise their poisons. It is certain these agents for the NSA, CIA, BigBanks and BigPharma, don’t respect clinicians. Prophets, scholars, and natural healers are equally detested by demonically deranged war-mongers.
McCoy extended his smear of Broderick, and Dr. Horowitz vicariously, by challenging the legitimacy of these academicians’ references that raised reasonable suspicions. “But are they [legitimate]?” McCoy questioned rhetorically. “Broderick drew on research published in several conspiracy Web sites, . . . .
The Washington Post purposely neglected the numerous websites that Horowitz, this unnamed world leading expert on AIDS and Ebola’s origin, has published. (Such as the ones listed at the end of this article.)
Think about it. When have you ever read a reputable newspaper article, purported to be “news,” not an Opinion/Editorial, that discusses a Harvard-trained scientist’s most controversial work, evades his certification by the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, berates his websites, including Medical Veritas International, Inc. that has contributed most forcefully to the filed of “music therapy,” but neglects to mention his name? NEVER!
That is how explosive the name Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz has become in “‘the land of the free’, ‘home of the brave,’ ‘One Nation Under God’.”
Certainly, the CIA is familiar with the name “Horowitz.” The Agency’s own intelligence interface, Wikipedia, reports the “Horowitz” family is “one of the most illustrious rabbinic families in Jewish history.”
Quoting Wikipedia directly, “Tradition quoted by scholars traces this [Horowitz] family to the “Sons of Korah” mentioned in the Bible: Numbers 26:11 and Psalms 47. A family tree exists which traces Horowitz origins back to the 12th century. This family produced some of the greatest rabbinic scholars (Sephardic) of France and Italy in the 12, 13, and 14th centuries. The Sephardic surname of this family was Benveniste, which was later changed to Horowitz upon their immigration to the town of Horowitz (near Prague) in the German province of Bohemia in the 16th century. From that time forward prominent rabbis of this family were found in virtually every European country.”
McCoy claimed that Broderick and the mass of doctors’, researchers’, and health scientists’ who believe in the legitimacy of Horowitz’s published government_documents, “represent a pervasive, pernicious and crippling problem facing the fight against Ebola: misinformation.”
McCoy infers The Washington Post‘s certainty that the answer to Ebola will not source from either academic scholars or religious prophets who reference drug industrialists, called “sorcerers” in the Bible (Rev. 9:21; 18:23; and 21:8), and object to media casting “magic spells” to deceive people internationally.
Similarly, psycho-pathologically, McCoy gives no credence to “natural healers” since the bulk of his employers’ advertising revenues derives largely from drug manufacturing and trafficking, all of which is illegal considering the Sherman Anti-Trust Act that outlaws monopolies of every kind, including the unfairly competitive monopolies over medicine, the media, and law that corrupt professional associations and trade organizations have commandeered on behalf of their demonic corporate sponsors.
Why These Matters of “National Security” are Censored
Ebola erupted last March in southern Guinea and northern Liberia and began to spread around the same time unprecedented media censorship attempted to erase Dr. Horowitz’s name and works from the Internet and medical history.
The main reason for this has been stated. Horowitz’s book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional?, reprints legitimate NIH and NCI contracts most illuminating and disturbing.
As Ebola outbreak (2014) news began to reach America, a series of attacks against Horowitz’s popularity and scientific credibility began, with Wikipedia, extinguishing the doctors page that they had effectively used to discredit him for more than a decade. Google/YouTube terminated his video channel, blocking more than 150 films the doctor had produced, viewed by millions of subscribers. Then PR Newswire and Internet provider iReach, and their parent company UBM, breached their contracts with the doctor’s non-profit health company in order to avert public attention coming to him and his controversial book. Later BREITBART and CBS News did the same.
“This evidence compounds the ‘smoking guns’ we already have for a viable class action lawsuit against the drug companies and federal agencies involved,” Dr. Horowitz, said.
Horowitz is now joined by Broderick, Dr. Alan Cantwell, and many other well-credentialed scholars who cannot be easily dismissed as “conspiracy theorists,” when this “conspiracy reality” is killing thousands of people, and shocking material evidence has been uncovered. The federal records published by Horowitz raise reasonable suspicions about the laboratory origin of AIDS and Ebola that flippant media dismissals cannot resolve.
These investigators and academicians are not guilty of prompting riots, or even risking National Security, which is precisely what McCoy and the others in the mainstream media are attempting to claim, undermining their own credibility and reputability in the process. McCoy’s case is beyond weak, but seriously treasonous, since evidence tampering in law is a crime, as is censoring scientific evidence in U.S. military contracts proving beyond any reasonable doubt federal/drug industry complicity in vaccine studies that gave rise to HIV/AIDS in the late 1970s, and Ebola Zaire at the same time–1976. The Litton Bionetics Company’s experiments and infected animal shipments that gave rise to the first Ebola-like viruses, called “Rhabdovirus simian,” as well as the “Marburg virus” outbreak of 1967, are referenced in Dr. Horowitz’s provisions of the government records.
“And while some commenting on the [Liberian Observer] article were critical,” McCoy continued, “the number who praised [these authors’ writings] was telling.
‘They are using’ Ebola, wrote one [blogger], ‘for culling the world population mainly [in] Africa for the…purpose of gaining control of the Africans resources criminally.”
McCoy neglected to report on similar objections to his own propaganda, the majority of which were surely censored by his Post puppeteers.
“The [Observer] piece purports to describe scientific findings from various ‘reports,’ which are not cited in detail, and even references the bestselling thriller, ‘The Hot Zone.’”
Notice McCoy’s specious placement of the words “scientific findings” in the same sentence referencing “the bestselling thriller, ‘The Hot Zone,” that was written by another CIA agent specializing in bioterrorism, Richard Preston. Preston’s 1994 book was advertised to be a “Terrifying True Story.” Terrifying, yes. True? Not on your life. Dr. Horowitz tore that book apart for its myriad misrepresentations, omissions, and fraudulent flaws, consistent with McCoy’s propaganda and The Washington Post‘s disinformation mission.
In fact, to prove his points, Horowitz authorized friends and business associates at CureShoppe.com to give away free downloadable copies of his Emerging Viruses book “Chapter 21: Marburg, Ebola, and Chilling Propaganda in The Hot Zone” for anyone who signs up to receive his free Healthy World Newsletter. (Fill in your e-mail address, and you will be sent free download instructions to get the chapter.)
Dr. Horowitz also provided here, in this article, and in freely downloadable form from InLiesWeTrust.com, a few of the “smoking guns”–including the chilling scientific contracts under which these kinds of viruses were genetically-engineered for “cancer research” and “vaccine studies.”
“Reports narrate stories of the US Department of Defense (DoD) funding Ebola trials on humans,” McCoy continued to berate Broderick, “trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone.”
Under the headline, “Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?”, it says: “the U.S., Canada, France, and the U.K. are all implicated in the detestable and devilish deeds that these Ebola tests are. There is a need to pursue criminal and civil redress for damages, ” Broderick wrote.
Then McCoy showed his hand. His article was not written as an Opinion/Editorial. It was simply published as “news.” But McCoy’s handlers at The Washington Post opined, “Worse, in the same breath, [Broderick’s] semi-intelligible article suggests groups trying to stop the epidemic — Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and Doctors Without Borders — are all somehow in on it. The piece puts them on a list of those ‘implicated in selecting and enticing African countries to participate in the testing events.’”
According to Dr. Horowitz, there is substantial evidence that CDC officials have been complicit in cover-ups, scientific evidence tampering, and frank fraud. (He has no evidence at the present time that Doctors Without Borders are acting similarly, criminally.)
“I have done multiple video productions and articles on this topic,” Dr. Horowitz explains. “A classic example of CDC’s scientific fraud is rubber stamping alleged findings of Ebola Zaire (Africa, 1976) antigens in four percent (4%) of fruit bats in Bangladesh (Asia). This alleged finding is used by the WHO and CDC to justify their ridiculous claim that Ebola’s “natural reservoir” is in Richard Preston’s bats. This ‘best explanation’ spin does not explain Ebola Zaire’s 2014 re-emergence. Common sense would tell most reasonable people, let alone virologists and epidemiologists at the CDC, that refrigeration is needed for the “natural reservoir” to re-release that precise strain of Ebola thousands of miles from where it broke out originally, thirty-eight (38) years earlier.”
Suppressing the Cures
Dr. Horowitz protests McCoy’s propaganda, calling it “hogwash.” He also points to The Washington Post‘s jaded history of employing CIA journalists to spin every important story.
The owner of The Washington Post at this time is Jeff Bezos, who purchased the paper on August 5, 2013, for $250 million in cash. According to Forbes Magazine, Bezos is listed as the 17th wealthiest person in the world with an estimated net worth of $32.3 billion. He was ranked the second best CEO in the world by Harvard Business Review, after Steve Jobs of Apple, but named World’s Worst Boss by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) in May 2014. Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the ITUC, said “Bezos represents the inhumanity of employers who are promoting the American corporate model…” and killing people in the process, the General Secretary implied. Bezos is also a member of the Bilderberg Group and the Executive Committee of The Business Council for 2011 and 2012.
“If Bezos, the Government of the United States, or the Bilderberg Group consisting of the world’s most influential industrialists, including racketeering organizations such as Carlyle, desired to terminate Ebola,” Dr. Horowitz challenged, “they could do so within a month by replacing the 3,000 military personnel carrying guns, with 3,000 ‘humanitarians’ carrying natural blood purification, oxygenation, and electro-resonance machines, rendering systemic re-hydration, alkylization, re-mineralization, and sustainable nutrition education and therapeutic services. . . .
“Instead of wasting $750 million over the short term, taxpayers could save the bulk of that expense by empowering underdeveloped nations to become self-sufficient, by institutionalizing natural healing using these readily available [albeit shunned] technologies. That would do away with costly and risky vaccines, deadly antibiotics, and all the pharmaceutical poisoning intoxicating everything that drinks water,” Dr. Horowitz reasoned.
“A final solution to Ebola and virtually all infectious diseases,” Horowitz affirmed, “is OxySilver, among the latest generation of silver hydrosols used by NASA to keep astronauts healthy in space, where water is scarce and environmental contamination is costly and deadly. These new covalently-bonded mineral waters are not too expensive to produce in vast quantities, or manufacture and distribute in needy nations. Many manufacturing plants could be built for the money saved each day by replacing accepted psychopatic ‘war mentality’ with “natural healing ideology” that offers far more sustainable ways to keep people healthy and safe.”
Congress should investigate Ebolagate, and most importantly consider the National Security agency’s hypocrisy in maintaining conflicting interests. In waging war against street drugs, rioting, looting, and Ebola on the one hand, and the natural healing arts and sciences offering low cost, safer, and equally effective alternatives to deadly drugs and risky vaccines, on the other hand.
This hypocrisy must be exposed for what it is–an international criminal psycho-pathological racketeering enterprise–a virtual cult administered by war-makers who profit from humanity’s suffering, using propagandists like Terrence McCoy as cover.
McCoy wrote his article like a brainwashed mind-controlled slave–a fractured psyche and soulless agent of deception operating with a “kill-or-be-killed” attitude, for “profit-and-let-die” reasoning. His bosses at The Washington Post are happy. McCoy is abused willingly. He protects their psychopathic worldview thriving on Wall Street, Capital Hill, in the Justice Department, and intelligence agencies.
“Terminating this mob would also save money by putting treasonous psychopathic propagandists on BigPharma’s payroll out of business,” Dr. Horowitz concludes. “Bye bye McCoy, Richard Preston, and The Washington Post. It’s time for a ‘Mass Awakening.’”
SHERRI KANE is an investigative journalist specializing in women’s and children’s health issues and child sex trafficking, also having written most extensively and controversally on matters of animal rights. Ms. KANE is Dr. Horowitz’s partner, and the Vice President of Medical Veritas International, Inc., that launched the LOVE/528 Revolution, 528Records.com, and the 528Radio Network impacting recording artistry internationally with “medicinal music.”
DR. LEONARD HOROWITZ is a Harvard-trained expert in public health, emerging diseases, multimedia health promotion, and the most well-credentialed, controversial, and prolific consumer health activist in the world. He has produced more than seventeen (17) books, five (5) documentary films, and thirty-six (36) scientific peer reviewed publications attending the risks and remedies for virtually every disease. Dr. Horowitz was blacklisted from organized medicine in 1996 for producing Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?
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