Dr. Mirko Beljanski was one of the most criminally-persecuted doctors in the world for disagreeing with the HIV/AIDS and molecular biology establishment that acted to protect the drug cartel from medical dissidents. He was the first molecular biologist to study RNA, which plays a dynamic role in cell regulation and the cancer complex called AIDS. For nearly 50 years, he studied DNA and RNA biology and made numerous discoveries. Tragically, Dr. Beljanski died under house arrest in 1998 after years of persecution by the Frence government for his innovative ideas and challenge to the AIDS community. He had met with Dr. Leonard Horowitz and confirmed Dr. Horowitz’s thesis explaining the origin of AIDS from contaminated hepatitis B vaccines produced by Merck. The conventional oncology community ostracized both of them. People marched in the streets of Paris and Lyon, demanding, in vain, that the French Ministry of Heath review Dr. Beljanski’s products and accept his clinical trials. A few years after his death, Dr. Beljanski’s persecution was recognized by the European Court of Human Rights, which handed down a unanimous decision condemning France for its violation of his most basic rights (Feb 7, 2002), including the right to tell the truth about vaccination risks. Learn more by watching “The Beljanski Legacy“, a documentary on his life and major scientific achievements.
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