The Elements of Vaccination Genocide Neglected by Government Officials and the Media
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
This article considers vaccination genocide in the context of the “ten stages of genocide” as detailed by the honorable president of Genocide Watch, Gregory H. Stanton.
Here I apply these ten stages as ‘legal elements’ to justify the claim of vaccination genocide. I claim the crime of genocide attributable to vaccines and vaccination advocates is worsening. I call this exploding vaccination genocide ‘vaccinecide‘ or alternatively ‘injecticide.’
The screenshot on the right lists Stanton’s “ten stages of genocide.” I examine each of these as elements of vaccination genocide. They each apply to vaccines being used as “genocidal weapons of mass depopulation” as detailed below:
(1) We have obviously witnessed the “divide to conquer” strategy. Anti-vaxxers have been separated from pro-vaxxers by Big Pharma’s bribed politicians and the complicit media.
(2) Anti-vaxxers have been forced to identify themselves for access to schools and workplaces. Soon, as California is modeling, drivers will need to evidence their vaccine record for a license to operate a motor vehicle, or fly on a plane.
(3) Anti-vaxxers have already faced systematic discrimination. Millions of ‘vaccine hesitant’ parents have been forced to home-school their children.
That is a classic example of “systematic discrimination.” Many physicians who have issued patients vaccine exemptions for religious and medical reasons have had their licenses revoked. The rest of healthcare has been compromised by this discriminatory policy.
(4) Next, un-vaccinated children are said to act like vermin, disease carriers, that threaten the rest of the ‘herd.’ There are two classic examples of this.
The first example sources from Johns Hopkins University. This is the academic institution heavily involved in hepatitis B vaccine research, yet neglecting my peer reviewed scientific thesis on the hep B vaccine origin of HIV/AIDS, and also the school that encourages the mind-altering drug dimethyltryptamine (DMT) to be overtaking organized religions by its use in the new designer LSD called “ayahuasca.”
Below is a screenshot from page 113 of Hopkins’ “Care at Home for the Immunocompromised Patient” originally published in 2005 and revised in 2012. It instructs non-defined “immunocompromised” people to “Avoid contact with children who were recently vaccinated.”

Original Cancer “Oncology” Department Publication date September 2005, and Revised/ Reviewed June, 2012.
That reasonable advisement respected that fact that “recently vaccinated” persons “shed” live genetically-engineered viruses that could kill an immune-compromised person.
But this Hopkins’ advisement was changed in 2018 as documented by the screenshots below. The definition of “immunocompromised” was added in 2018. It arbitrarily and capriciously asserts defines “immunocompromised” to mean “your immune system is weaker than normal.”
And what is a “weaker than normal” immune system in this ‘Age of Compounding Poisonings’? Most people today are immune compromised from exposures to chemicals in air, foods, and water. These people exhibit multiple chemical sensitivities and allergies.
According to one widely promoted study, more than half (54.6 percent) of the people surveyed in the U.S. “indicated that they had positive reactions to one or more allergens. Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) affects between 10 and 30 percent of all adults in the U.S. and as many as 40 percent of children.”
More than fifteen percent of the population suffers from eczema that is the mostly common vaccination side effect sourcing from immunocompromising the antigen-antibody response. The immune system in eczematous dermatitis patients goes haywire. White blood cell body guards attack and destroy the victims’ skin proteins, beginning with their underlying connective tissue undergoing inflammation.
To its credit, Hopkins’ cancer specialists noted this compromised immunity sources “probably from your disease or treatment.” Vaccination is a ‘treatment.’ Hopkins’ officials recklessly neglected this fact and warning to avoid all vaccines that transmit the risk of deadly or damaging diseases caused by vaccinations, including cancers.

Original Cancer “Oncology” Department Publication date September 2005, and Revised/ Reviewed March, 2018.
Further evidencing this genocidal element of un-vaccinated children being smeared as disease carriers, and segregated for this fraudulent conversion of disease vectoring from those vaccinated to those not vaccinated is Hopkins’ exhortment, “Tell friends and family who are sick not to visit.”
The Hopkins’ “Care at Home for the Immunocompromised Patient” instructions further evidences dehumanizing disease-vectoring infringement on life, liberties, and pursuits as shown by the screenshot below. Again, completely censored and recklessly neglected is the main cause of widespread immunocompromised conditions aside from toxic chemicals in foods and the environment, namely VACCINES!
The second classic and loathsome example of tricking people into believing non-vaccinated infants and children are like vermin spreading diseases is shown in the adjacent screenshot. Here is a sales gimmick and subliminal social- engineering propaganda ploy to get children and their parents to view infants as potentially vermin, terrorizing and sick, while ‘trick-or-treating.’ The subliminal message is that the infants need medical attention and vaccines, otherwise they spread death.
These images and messages are most proximal to the Nazi propaganda used to sell eugenics–the mass killing of ‘unfit’ infants damaging the ‘Master Race,’ as shown in the historic image viewed below.
(5) The government created targeted ‘vaccine hesitancy’ groups to be ‘neutralized.’ By passing mandatory vaccination laws, much like the Nazis passed eugenics laws (that sourced from the Rockefeller-Carnegie financed Cold Spring Harbor labs on Long Island, NY), the American government created specific groups of parents targeted for enforcement policies and disciplinary measures.
(6) Clearly, the government broadcast propaganda to turn those favoring vaccines against those who remained “vaccine hesitant.” During the past year, the CDC, WHO and Deep State’s media broadcast propaganda to turn the civilized people into mental zombies opposing any and all vaccine skeptics. Citizens even attacked online expertly trained critics and scientists. This social dissonance was widely viewed on Capital Hill, in both the social media and from mainstream news sources.
To analyze the data, I reviewed the scientific literature and public knowledge that conflicts with the governing officials’ misbehavior on Capital Hill and also in state governments. I found substantial evidence of bias from Big Pharma’s influence. This malfeasance was especially evident in the Senate’s hearing committee chaired by Lamar Alexander (R-TN).
In my article titled “Vaccination Hesitancy: A Red Herring,” I compared the senators’ hyperbole with fact-based science to determine if ‘vaccination hesitancy’ is justified or not; whether blaming parents is reasonable, and if targeting vaccination hesitancy for extinction as a governmental policy is justifiable under the circumstances. I found that it was not.
I concluded complicity in genocide was present and unmistakable, despite diversionary arguments.
(7) Clearly the state and federal governments have taken actions to remove or relocate people who have not been vaccinated. This has occurred at the Mexican border at the claimed ‘concentration camps’ operating there, as well as in schools across the nation.
Accordingly, officials acted as complicit agents in genocide when they removed un-vaccinated children from schools and parents too. They did the same when removing or relocating non-vaccinated healthcare workers from their jobs.
(8) The pro-vaccination forces have persecuted the un-vaccinated, and begun stealing properties and conducting massacres.
Examples of property theft include parents having their homes taken and estates stolen by social service agents, prosecutors and judges persecuting, prosecuting, and robbing parents of their children and lives.
Another example is the persecution of whistleblowers opposing mass murders and vaccine massacres, such as CDC officials did to condemn Dr. William Thompson.
Thompson refused complicity in the scientific evidence tampering and data purging that occurred during the Atlanta Childhood Autism Study. The actual data and tampering orders proved a government coverup of statistically significant increases in brain damage among African-American boys caused by the MMR vaccine that contained neurotoxic mercury.
(9) Generally, with vaccines, we are looking at mass extermination of “useless eaters“–a designation given by Henry Kissinger to describe and dehumanize geriatric populations. Kissinger’s company, Kissinger Associates, managed the world’s leading vaccine maker, Merck & Co.
Kissinger officiated Project Paperclip in the early days of the CIA that granted Nazi scientists asylum if they agreed to work for Anglo-American controlled companies on secret government projects.
One example of Merck’s acquisitions was Afluria. Merck obtained exclusive rights to market and distribute this vaccine from CSL Biotherapies’ as a seasonal influenza vaccine. CSL Labs was largely financed by the Murdoch family, controllers of FOX News as well highly influential at Smith-Klein-Beecham with James Murdoch acting their Non-Executive Director. To the time of this writing, FOX News’s hypocrisy is stunning. The voice of the ‘right wing’ repeatedly demeans the Rockefeller-directed abortion and depopulation Planned Parenthood, yet refuses to report on the ‘Deep State’ Rockefeller-directed vaccinations-for-depopulation agenda openly promoted by Bill Gates.
The most common systemic adverse events from Afluria were fibromyalgia pain and headaches in greater than 20% of recipients. In adults 65 years of age and older this side effect was seen in greater than 10% of recipients, prompting these elders to be more than useless eaters. Their chronic fibromyalgia kept them returning to the drugstores and doctors’ offices to buy more and more drugs. Additional drug side effects resulted in “wholesale elimination of the group.”
(10) Finally, the vaccine genocide is evidenced by governmental denials that it had committed any crime with the passage of vaccine legislation mandating intoxications and increased morbidity and mortality in the population.
In so far as the secreted vaccine-cancer links, these same denials have been seen in the white-washing by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) regarding the hepatitis B vaccine origin of HIV/AIDS under the Merck & Co.’s SVCP Contract 71-2059, as published previously.
Vaccine cancer links are the latest censored truths committed to advance the Deep State’s aforementioned genocide. No government agency or corporate-controlled media has permitted discussions in this field.
Intelligence sources that previously permitted vaccine controversies to be considered (due to weak resistance and easily ‘neutralized’ critics) have now suspended such debate due to the explosion of opposition occurring worldwide. As an alternative strategy, to conceal the government’s and media’s complicity in the worsening genocide, these sources have suppressed science on the vaccine cancer links.
I share this intelligence as the most censored consumer health and safety activist on this matter of vaccine-cancer links, the Editor-in-Chief of, and author of the best-selling scientific investigation into the man-made origin of the HIV/AIDS laboratory-creation.
Transmitted initially between 1972-74 during Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine study as aforementioned, the origin of this plague is best detailed in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident of Intentional? that also documents the CIA’s and Henry Kissinger’s substantial involvements in this mounting genocide.