We don’t go looking for stories. They find us. We find our lives present us with matters that deserve our attention. As humanitarian researchers, publishes, and filmmakers we are overwhelmed with challenges, some of greater urgency and social impact. That’s how we prioritize our projects.
Then we do what very few other journalists do in today’s media. We avoid taking a liberal or conservative view and approach to our investigations and analysis. We do this because we are wise enough to realize that the farther left you go on the political spectrum you end up with corporate facism. Likewise the farther right you go you end up with corporate facism.
This means that the entire commercial and political spectrum affecting the Westernization and/or globalization of “CULTures” in the world today are “un-American,” anti-freedom, and omnicidal–killing everything, including itself due to its unsustainable greedy doctrines.
Given these limitations and realizations we begin each investigation with a pro peace and freedom bias and “heightened consciousness” to political and commercial realities. Then we literally rely mostly on divine guidance and “meaningful coincidence” (best explained by our colleague, Professor and Dr. Vernon Neppe) in exercising our free will.
Then we endeavor to research everything we can find on a topic, whether our predecessors were right or left-wingers.